How to use your ears to communicate

by Jaimie Abbott

Effective communication is one of the keys to success, and when you’re good at it, people notice.

Most people think that strengthening communication skills involves developing persuasive speech and conversational skills, but what you may not realize is just how important...

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How much can you get paid as a speaker in Australia?

by Jaimie Abbott

Are you thinking of becoming a speaker in Australia? Well, that’s a massive career move with many positive potentials. But how much potential are we talking about here, especially regarding how much you can get paid? The amount you get paid as a speaker in Australia depends...

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How to deliver an amazing keynote presentation

by Jaimie Abbott

Delivering an amazing keynote presentation sounds so easy in theory. You’ve got excellent public speaking skills and confidence, so what else is left? However, there’s so much more to getting people to listen to you for more than a few minutes. If you want to deliver...

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Why you should consider speaking as a career

by Jaimie Abbott

“Oh, you speak so well. Have you ever considered public speaking as a career?”

You’ve probably heard this statement so many times. Or you’re in love with the idea of public speaking and still need some convincing on why you should take that leap. It takes...

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How to create speaking topics that sell

by Jaimie Abbott

As a speaker, you’ve probably had to sit through some lousy speeches that gave you a ton of second-hand embarrassment. And you’re thinking, “When it’s my turn, I’ll do so much better!” But do you know one of the biggest secrets to create an...

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How to promote yourself as a paid speaker

by Jaimie Abbott

If you’ve spent a considerable chunk of your life dreaming of standing on a stage while hundreds of people listen to you with rapt attention, you’d have to work your way up to the top. This is especially important if you want your account balance to get fatter after...

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How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

by Jaimie Abbott

If you find yourself afraid of an upcoming speech, you’re not alone. The fear of public speaking is one of the top fears out there, but you can still do something about it. 

You hear over and over again that practice makes perfect, and this also applies to...

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How to feel SUPER confident when public speaking

by Jaimie Abbott

Public speaking is one of the most common fears that plagues us all! But have you ever wondered why this fear is so common? I mean, we all speak all the time to our family and friends, what makes public speaking so different?

Well, it tends to be a social fear...

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