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Create Your Engaging Facebook Content Posting Plan in a Weekend - 24 pages

I know your time is a precious commodity these days but it’s time to analyse your Facebook content strategy. Whether you adore social media or think it’s a necessary evil, Facebook is the gateway to your tribe, to the people who need to hear your message and who can benefit the most.

With well over 1 billion daily active users around the world, your audience IS there. It’s just a matter of crafting your message and getting engagement on all your posts. It may sound like a daunting task but once you get to know your ideal client and pinpoint the best time to reach them online, the rest of the process becomes easier.

So, turn off your notifications and television and let’s dive into the nitty gritty of creating engaging Facebook content.
As you go through the exercises, you may have some of this data already; in which case, you’re ahead of the game. However, if you created your Ideal Client Avatar three years ago, for example, I suggest you go through the exercise anyway. You want to work with the most current information and a lot can change in your market in three years. We’ll be talking a lot about data and results in this planner. Have no fear...it’s not complicated but you WILL want to keep it organised. If you have a VA, have her create your spreadsheets and tracking charts so everything is easy to read and consistent. If you’re a paper and pen type of person, print out the files; if not, keep them handy on your laptop for quick reference.

Lastly, don’t stress yourself out over making the right decisions, especially when it comes to the best days and times to post on Facebook. Your audience is unique, just like you, and these are
simply guidelines to get you started. Nothing is written in stone. You can make changes as you see fit and don’t compare too many notes with friends because their results and plans may be vastly different from yours.

Social media and all your content plans are meant to be fluid so you can “go with the flow” of your audience. Just focus on the content they need from you, and you’ll soon learn to love the connections that social media brings.

Let’s get started!