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How to Map Out Your $5K Mastermind Program in a Weekend - 28 pages

Joining a mastermind group isn’t going to be for everyone. They can be exclusive and expensive; but if you’re ready to make that investment in yourself and in your business, the benefits and the results can be tenfold. Not only do you get to network with other successful business owners but you also receive critiques and input about your ideas from these peers. In turn, you have the opportunity to share your experiences and opinions with the other members.

The idea behind mastermind programs is that it’s peer-to-peer interaction rather than a traditional student-teacher set up. Of course, there’s always something to learn from your
peers but the ideas and advice are more like a free-flowing discussion than a typical lecture in a “classroom” setting.

While there are many benefits for members to join a mastermind, running a mastermind program can be equally rewarding. You still benefit from the give-and-take of the peer group plus you benefit from the monetary earnings as each member pays a monthly sum to be a part of the program. However, no matter how much you’re charging for your mastermind, careful planning is vitally important to keep people enrolled and looking forward to each meeting.

In this planner, we will go through each step required to set up a profitable mastermind program. You’ll need to do some research and some deep thinking to answer the questions and exercises but you really can have an action plan in place, all in one weekend.

Let’s get started!