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Self-Care Planner for Coaches and Entrepreneurs - 61 pages

Can you relate to this scenario?

You wake up in the morning with a full to-do list on your mind. You scurry around the kitchen,
getting breakfast and packing lunches for your family members as you yell subtle reminders
down the hallway to them to get dressed.

(Or, if you don’t have kids, maybe you’re hitting the snooze button 5 times before jumping into
the shower to start your day).

When you sit down to start your workday, you’re moving through emails and text messages,
putting out fires on projects while simultaneously calming the nerves of your coaching clients.
You’re able to focus on your to-do list for short increments of time because the phone or some
other fire pops up, demanding your attention.

By the end of the day, you crawl into bed, wondering where the hours went, and praying you’ll
fall right to sleep so you can start this rat race all over again...in 5 short hours.

Most entrepreneurs can relate to most of this story but they don’t fully realise just how frazzled
they’re running themselves because your perspective of being in the middle of the chaos is
clouded with the need to keep everyone happy. While you’re keeping everyone in your life
happy, you’re not paying attention to your health or mental wellbeing. You may not feel
fulfilled with your work because of the constant ‘go go go’ pace you keep all day long.

It’s time to slow things down a bit so you can focus on yourself for a change. Do you currently
make time for hobbies or get togethers with friends? When was the last time you unplugged
from your phone? Taking time to disconnect from work and to put YOUR needs first for a
change is necessary for your continued health and wellbeing. Constant stress over work and all
you have to accomplish keeps your body in a constant ‘fight or flight’ mode. Eventually your
body will break down but let’s not get to that point.

Instead, let’s put your own needs first and start to reclaim a work-life balance.

It’s time to get planning!