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My 12 month life + business dream planner -47 pages

What’s your vision for your life? I know, that’s a deep question but there is no dress rehearsal for life; this is it and we deserve to live our best life every single day.

Why not live a life that you don’t need or want a vacation from? Why not live in your dream house in your dream location? All of these things are possible, and you don’t have to wait until retirement to achieve these goals.

Life is NOW so let’s remember how to dream big and plan out your dreams!

This planner is all about dreaming about your ideal life, prioritising your goals, and putting those goals into action steps.

Will you accomplish everything overnight? Of course not. But with
some self-reflection and careful planning, you will have an action plan and timeline complete by
the time you complete these exercises.

Remember, too, that nothing is simply handed to us. The word ‘manifest’ is used in a few places but that doesn’t mean closing your eyes and making a wish. Manifesting simply means speaking
your dreams out loud, taking action, and recognising the right opportunities that come your way as a result. These opportunities will serve as your road map to your ultimate goals.

Are you ready to get started dreaming big?