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Map Out Your Profitable Virtual or In-Person Client VIP Day in a Weekend- 54 pages

How can you infuse more cash into your business while helping people reach their goals in record time? Create customised VIP Days.

VIP Days are meant for those serious clients who want to work hard and want to book you (and your expertise) for a day-long private session. You will be focused solely on them, providing
custom strategies, and/or sharing your support team. Your client will get your undivided attention while you charge a higher price tag than your general coaching sessions. Even though you aren’t doing the work FOR them, you are at their disposal for 8 hours that day.

As you get your creative wheels started, think first about how long you want your VIP Days to run. Do you want to offer a full 8 hours? Longer? Two full day sessions? Even a 4-hour half day
session can yield results, especially if you’ve never done this format before. The length of these sessions may also depend on your target audience. If you’re a business coach with clients who run multimillion-dollar businesses, chances are they will need more time and are willing to pay more money than a solopreneur health coach who needs help developing their first paid product. Always consider your audience as you plan these VIP Days.

You may be surprised at how much planning is involved, especially since you’re sharing your expertise, but the key to a successful VIP Day is to present your information in a clear, concise way so as not to confuse your clients. They need to have clear, easy-to-understand instructions for their tasks and a clear understanding of the results they will see by completing these tasks.

Losing your train of thought or jumping around different topics will confuse your client and waste precious time.

Let’s get started planning!