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Map Out Your High-Class Group Coaching Program in a Weekend - 57 pages

Are you ready to scale up your business by offering high-class group coaching? Then you’re in the right place!

Planning any kind of program for a high-end clientele involves time and creativity because you need to think about every little detail of the experience. These clients are investing a large amount of money for your program so you better overdeliver. Some mistakes, oversights, or glitches can be excused in a lower level program but not usually with this kind of price point.

And this clientele doesn’t want to hear excuses about why things didn’t work properly; they just want it fixed so they can move on with the program.

This level of clientele is also used to exquisite customer service; they want to be catered to. Not handheld but they want to be treated almost like royalty. So, your program has to reach a completely different level of professionalism, both in the type of content delivered but also in the design of your resources. Free webinar accounts will make these clients question your
pricing as will offering beginner level information.

Knowing your audience is a huge part of your program’s success and if this is your first time scaling up, spend some extra time revisiting your Ideal Client Avatar (ICA). There’s a whole exercise dedicated to that task. Learn about their problems and be sure your program offers their solution to set yourself up for success. As they say, “The devil’s in the details,” so pay extra
attention to every detail.

Let’s get started planning!