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How to Find & Name Your Million Dollar Course Idea in a Weekend - 20 pages

One important part of growing any business is to always think ahead to what your ideal customer wants and needs from you. What are their biggest problems? How can you help solve those problems? What results can you help them achieve?

While your advice may be the best answer to their problems, not everyone can afford to pay for one-on-one coaching. Sometimes their schedules are so crazy they don’t even have 15 minutes to spare for a coaching call. These people are best served by your courses, which can be less expensive than one-on-one coaching and can fit into their
schedule as time allows.

Not only will your products help your customers solve a problem but they add a nice profit margin to your business, even while you sleep, travel, or coach other clients.
These passive income streams can sell for years and years almost on autopilot but you need to create relevant content and have a killer name that will stand out from the rest of the competition.

In this planner you’ll re-examine your target market and their needs as well as open up your creative mind to start brainstorming ideas for a course. Don’t overthink your
answers and don’t edit yourself during the brainstorming phase. Put yourself in your target market’s shoes and dream big.

Also, don’t get discouraged or think creating products is too big an undertaking for you.

Absolutely anyone can use their expertise and create a product for their market; and using these exercises as a blueprint will put you on that path to passive income quickly.

Let’s get started...