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How to Position Your Business to Attract Your Dream 6-7 Figure Clients - 50 pages

Many coaches and solopreneurs dream about making it big and landing multimillion-dollar clients. They see themselves living a dream life where business is booming, clients are flocking, and money worries have all but vanished.

You know what? All of that is certainly within your reach! You have the expertise. You have the
testimonials from happy clients. You understand what high-end clients want and expect when they hire coaches. Why not give it a try; because if you don’t put your shingle up and offer high- end clients an amazing experience, they will just walk down the road to your nearest competitor.

However, as with anything else in life, you’ll have to put in some work to determine if you’re ready for high-end clients. You’ll need to give your business a makeover so you give the image that your part of the big leagues. Fake it till you make it, as the old saying goes.

This planner will help you analyse if your current products are ready for high-end clients. You’ll also learn how to add value to your products; identify your ideal client avatar; makeover your messaging and marketing strategies.

If you’re ready to up level your business to attract high-end clients, let’s get started!