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Your Weekly Client-Getting Content Plan - 73 pages

Do you have the dream of attracting more clients to your business? Or reaching more customers who will snatch up your newest product as soon as it launches? Of course you want to grow and be more profitable, right? It’s a common sentiment among business owners.

While there are many ways to attract new clients, in this planner we’re going to focus on creating content that will educate, entertain, and inspire people to follow you so you can win them over with your expertise.

Now, be honest answering this next question: Do you plan the content you’re going to publish? Or do you scramble every morning wondering what you can possibly post or share that isn’t a repeat from last week?

Too many entrepreneurs – especially solopreneurs – adopt the “wing it” strategy, which really is not a strategy at all. They claim that they work better under pressure or that they don’t want constraints on what they publish; yet so many struggle daily or they simply don’t post anything.

And I’m not talking only social media posts. Blog posts, media interviews, podcast episodes, emails...these are all content examples and if you want to relieve some stress, use this planner
to PLAN which content you’ll publish and when – plus which offers you can make which align to your content.

You may have heard the phrase, “Content is king,” and it is absolutely still true today. Amazing content will showcase your expertise to your fans and will convince new followers to learn more about you. Content will attract media reporters to you for quotes or perspectives.

Content will help you rank higher in the search engines, which in turn helps convey “authority” status to your website, thus making it “more important” than other sites.

Content creation is not where you want to cut corners or expenses in your business!

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