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Map Out Your Monthly Social Media Content Calendar in a Weekend! - 20 pages

Are you utilising social media to its fullest potential? So many solopreneurs know the power of social media, yet they don’t harness it for themselves due to lack of planning. Spontaneity may be fine when you’re looking for a dating adventure, but social media is most powerful when there’s a plan in place.

Set some time aside this weekend to plan out your social media calendar. We’re getting detailed here; the more details you can flesh out, the easier it will become to create your social content. Winging it is not an option anymore. You need to wake up each day knowing exactly what’s posting, where it’s posting, and when. You should be ready to interact with your tribe instead of being stressed about what to post.

To be clear, this weekend is about planning. Don’t force yourself to create a year’s worth of content right away! Let’s focus on the initial plan, then you can start creating next month’s content. As you keep working, this process will become easier each month. You might even get crazy and plan two months of content at once!

And let’s not forget the power of evergreen content. Timeless, high-value content can always be recycled months down the road because the lesson will always be relevant. Also consider repurposing some of your social content into different formats. Some people prefer written posts while others love video. The same lesson can be taught via two different formats. Remember, this is not a race or a competition. Use others as inspiration of what you can accomplish rather than as competitors. Your audience will be different and have different needs than another coach’s audience, so keep them foremost in your mind when creating your plan and your content. You can’t go wrong if you work from a place of serving others.

Let’s get started!